
Friday, March 19, 2010

Heart to Heart

I just finished this custom reconstructed sweater coat for Carolyn Jourdan. I am honored that she is going to be wearing it to her presentation to the city of Lansing Michigan. They have selected her book HEART IN THE RIGHT PLACE as their city-wide read! This book is also a five star book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and it's a bestselling memoir at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Borders, Tower, and the Independent Book Stores.

I will admit that I have not read it yet, but have ordered a signed copy from her to read as soon as I get it... sounds like a great read while hubby is watching all the basketball!

So take a look at her website  (and note the heart and heart buttons on her sweater in honor of the book.)

It was a pleasure working with you Carolyn and best of luck on your presentation.


San D said...

It's absolutely gorgeous. Not only will people hear her read her book, but they will feast their eyes on the sweater at the same time. Congratulations on another masterpiece.

dogdazzle said...

It's fabulous! Love the heart on the back!

Anonymous said...


Carolyn Jourdan said...

On Facebook the coat you just made got 5 likes and 10 flattering comments:
Carol Raley, Jordan Stone, Karen Key and 2 others like this.
Ann Fro very cool
Donna Eaton Love the heart on the back, ♥
Vicki Dampier McMahan I absolutely love it!!!! :>
Denise Rhinert Shoun This is totally YOU!!!
Jennifer Massengill Benson OH! that is totally Carolyn! Love it!
Rebecca Henderson Carolyn, it's stunning! Love the concept of "One Community, One Book"!
Susie Shorbe Love the colors. It is you.
Elizabeth Taylor That's going to be a hit. The heart ties in with your book's title. and it will be cool enough in Lansing to help you think of the women these sweaters have warmed before. I like that you'll be carrying another bit of history with you.
Mari Bland Totally and utterly fantastic! :) WOW!
Toni Mannarino That is unique and beautiful--like you.